Member-only story
In my life, I strive for greatness, immortality through acts, and intentions. I’ve attempted charity or to write the great novel, but still, I falter and fail. O, to make oneself a being most memorable is an end we all dream for ourselves. Yet, some of us matter, while most of us don’t, and I fear I belong to the latter.
True greatness is found within, they say — and God knows I’ve tried to let it out. My final hope is to search deep inside, so I type this message to you … while my heart beats alone on the wood of my desk. If there was greatness within, it’s no longer there, for I’ve searched every nook of my corpse. In truth, I am merely an ant.
“But an ant can lift fifty times its own weight,” is the refrain that departs from your lips.
’Tis true, my dear friend, but the dreadful thing is, I’m an ant in a world full of men.